Celebrity Sighting

About a month ago, as I was sitting in the gate area at LaGuardia waiting to fly home, I saw a really short, bald guy who looked familiar.  Not familiar like “Hey, I know that guy from high school”, but more of a “I think that guy’s sort of famous, where have I seen him” sort of familiarity.

After looking a bit harder, I finally realized that he was one of those classic That Guy actors whose face I’d seen a million times and whose name I had never learned.  All I could remember about him were two things:

  1. He talked with a lisp, and
  2. He once made my father laugh until he cried

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A Running Question

I’ve been paying a bit more attention to runners lately, probably because I’m hoping to run a 5K some day myself. (Quick update – down 15 pounds, jogging one of my ten daily laps around the track.) One thing that I see regularly and still don’t understand is people who jog into traffic on the street. Continue reading

A Quick Peeve

There are few things that annoy me more when I’m in a local restaurant than scanning the steak section of their menu and seeing them call a strip steak a “New York Strip”.  I understand that’s the common name for that steak in most of the country, but that cut of meat is known by many names, one of which is “Kansas City Strip”.  If a Kansas City-area restaurant offers that cut of steak, and could accurately call it a “Kansas City Strip” on their menu, but chooses to call it a “New York Strip” anyway, I lose all respect for them.  Have some pride in your hometown, ya know?  New York gets enough publicity already.